f.y.i My foot is getting better. Turns out it was athelete's foot that I got in December and din't treat so it got bad, but it's being handled now and I will survive with foot intact. Which kinna sucks since I already bought a sweet pegleg that was guaranteed to get me all the ladies. Ce La Vie. Blame the aliens.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
My foot is literally rotting off. I need to go to a doctor before it reaches amputation level, but I am scared to go to the doctor here. People tell me you go in for a sinus infection and IF you come out, your arms have been sawed off. Apparently they don't believe in hydrogen peroxide here either. Tomorrow I plan on bribeing a pharmacist here to give me antibiotics w/o a prescription. That's the beauty of India, everything has a price. If that fails though, this is likely my last post. Don't cry for me, I'm prepared for death. I welcome death over this foot disease. I'd show a picture, but I want to die with dignity. On a bright note, I got my mop trimmed. And here's the weirdest part about that story, the guy was so upset that she had ripped him off for his money, she was actually wedged under the front of the fire bird. And he's trying to get the ten dollars of rock back outta her hand. I told you about that, she was actually wedged under the front of the fire bird.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I had a pretty good weekend, went to a temple here in bangalore and also to the garden here. Pretty fun stuff. Then had a good night out with bunch of Americans and one crazy Indian. Good times. Here's some photos of the temple and gardens at the URL below. http://picasaweb.google.com/xl.Meatwad.lx
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Well, yesterday I went down to SP road to get a power converter as to make my xbox and Wii work, but still no dice. I tired to return it today and the dude tested it and it worked, and he also tested my xbox power source and apparently it is fried, which is probably the same for my Wii. So, I'm gonna have to get new power cords for both. can't get em here either. D'oh! Go Giants!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Josh and Deborah's new baby has arrived. It's name is Wyatt Nelson Hensley. Congrats! Here is a photo. On a related front, word on the streets is that my newly remarried X-wife Sarah is now pregnant. On to more important issues, Showers. Here in India they don't use water heaters as we know them back home. We use Geysers. Which is about thirteen gallons of heated water. This results in a roughly 5 minute shower, not quite as satisfying. In addition, it is not always on, there is a light switch you turn on and then wait about 20-30 minutes for the water to be heated, so no jumping right outta bed and into the shower. Here's a photo of a geyser, and Wyatt.