Sunday, July 27, 2008

Don't Mind The Gap

HI, It's been a while. How's everything going? He did? What jerk. you should break up with him. He's no good. Me? Well, it's been a busy couple weeks. Where to begin... Well, I went back to Nandi Hill, which i got stranded on the first time, but no real issues this time. Except the insane monkeys that tried to kill me. I drove in India too, left side of the road is stange, but I survived. The next weekend, I hung out wiht co-workers visiting from the USA, they were cool and we had fun.

So I bought a plane ticket and a hotel in The Maldives it set me back about 900 dollars. Steph, Tim, and myself went to the airport and immigration would not let me leave India. So apparently i'm an Illegal since I didn't register, so I can't leave india. So I'm out the money for the trip and spent the weekend chilling here in Bangalore. Which had 9 bombs go off on Friday. It's funny how Indians see bombings as a reason to take the day off. Like a snow day in the US. Indians have a "Bomb day". Obviously, I didn't get blowed up, nor do I care about a couple crappy bombs going off a few kilometers from my house. I'm just heavy like that.


Anonymous said...

wow the maldives looked pretty. sucks that you couldnt go, and can u NEVER leave india???

Little Hensley Fam said...

sorry about your trip! maybe you'll get a chance again to go?

Anonymous said...

dag yo. sucks you didn't get to go, but at least you got to enjoy the fireworks the locals seemed to provide.

Anonymous said...

Yeah....sorry about that whole abandoning you at the airport thing. I've already told you it wasn't as much fun without you. Plus now you're getting an all expense paid trip to New York. Sigh.

jeNnA said...

Somehow I don't think stinky New York will be quite as relaxing as a beautiful Island paradise. :)